Ethnic Studies


Gabag: Seni Persembahan Temiar

Gabag is one of the important medical-related ritual forms in the life of the Temiar tribe. This ritual is also known to the general public as “sewang.” Among the Temiar tribe, the gabag ritual, presented in the form of tradition, has its own uniqueness and special significance. Among other things, it has a close connection with belief in supernatural powers and the relationship between humans and the natural environment. The influence of beliefs and symbols in this ritual is not widely known and understood by the general public. Therefore, it needs to be explored and understood to understand the meaning of the gabag offering in that community.

Author: Sahar Sa’di Hashim, Ramle Abdullah, Hairul Nizam, Hafis Simin, Asmawi Ibrahim

Price: RM31
ISBN: 978-9-83-253873-8
Size: 9×6″
Pages: 156


Orang Asli: Kepercayaan Tradisi dan Islamisasi

The publication of this book adds to the reference material on the Orang Asli community, especially regarding their beliefs and missionary activities. This book is considered special because it was written collaboratively by academics trained in the fields of social anthropology and Islamic education. Several dimensions discussed in this book provide important information for understanding the Orang Asli, particularly concerning their beliefs and missionary issues. The information presented is based on reliable sources from previous authors and research conducted by the authors along with their colleagues.

Author: Ramlee Abdullah, Hafis Simin, Abdul Manam Muhamad, Azlina Abdullah, Hairul Nizam.

Price: RM24
ISBN: 978-9-83-253872-1
Size: 9×6″
Pages: 101


Temiar: Warisan Kepimpinan dan Pembangunan

The leadership of the Temiar tribe represents the community members in their relations with the outside society. The role of the headman among the Temiar tribe is to act as their representative in dealings with the outside society, especially concerning economic and social activities. The initiative to publish this book is based on information obtained from the Temiar tribe in Kelantan through conducted research. Apart from presenting the background of the Temiar tribe, the discussions in this book focus on the heritage of traditional leadership and modern leadership, along with issues related to them.

Author: Hafis Simin, Ramle Abdullah, Asmawi Ibrahim, Sahar Sa’di Hashim, Abdullah Ibrahim.

Price: RM21
ISBN: 978-9-83-253878-3
Size: 9×6″
Pages: 152


Semaq Beri: Warisan dan Dinamika Kepimpinan

The leadership institution of the Semaq Beri tribe is a system that has been inherited through generations. Individuals appointed or taking on roles as leaders are considered to have a very special social status within the community. Additionally, their uniqueness is also evident in several other aspects. Firstly, leaders have authority in many matters that allow them to fulfill their leadership role in harmonizing community members. Secondly, a leader often receives special treatment in many situations, especially during ceremonies or events.

Author: Hafis Simin, Ramlee Abdullah, Hairul Nizam, Faizol Subhi, Abdullah Ibrahim.

Price: RM28
ISBN: 978-9-83-253870-7
Size: 9×6″
Pages: 137


Tanah Saka Warisan Temiar

Among the Temiar tribe, ancestral land is considered the “lifeblood” of their existence—an asset crucial for survival. In recent times, issues related to ancestral land have become increasingly prominent, especially with the emergence of development projects affecting their settlements or nearby areas. Besides presenting the background of the Temiar tribe, the discussions in this book focus on land ownership, the concept of ancestral land, and related issues.

Author: Ramle Abdullah, Hafis Simin, Asmawi Ibrahim, Sahar Sa’di Hashim, Hairul Nizam.

Price: RM33
ISBN: 978-9-83-253869-1
Size: 9×6″
Pages: 127