Antologi Skrip Teater Runcit 2021
“Antologi Skrip Teater Runcit 2021” is a compilation curated by the Faculty of Theatre at ASWARA, aimed at integrating ideas and writings from theatre practitioners. This book collects 10 of the best scripts from 10 different writers with diverse backgrounds. Among them are Ib, Jalwa Johari, Han Zalini, Sadiq M. Jamil, Ridhwan Saidi, Fattah Fawzy, S. Syazan, Naque Ariffin, Aliff Adzham, and co-writers Zulhelmi Zainal and Azna Azmi. These top 10 scripts underwent several stages of evaluation by appointed judges and were also presented online in a 10-minute theatre competition. The issues highlighted in this book reflect the Covid-19 situation that has affected the world. The publication of this book provides an opportunity for artists and students, in particular, to refer to and use these scripts for performances.
Compiler: Hanura Akbar & Iefiz Alaudin
Price: RM33
ISBN: 978-9-83-253882-0
Size: 8×5.5″
Pages: 85

Antologi Drama Dunia (Siri 1)
The Faculty of Theatre has taken the initiative to publish translated works done by the esteemed Ahmad Yatim as an important documentation not only at ASWARA but also in the performing arts scene in Malaysia. The Faculty of Theatre believes that significant works from around the world should be translated to provide access to the knowledge of drama and theatre worldwide to local students. These works are valuable not only for production and performance purposes but also for understanding Western dramaturgical conventions, the ideologies and philosophies of writers, theatrical conventions, and most importantly, societal issues beyond the realm of drama. With these translated works, readers can observe and explore cultures of societies worldwide through drama.
Translator: Ahmad Yatim
Compiler: Shahrul Mizad Ashari & Fasyali Fadzly
Price: RM45
ISBN: 978-9-83-253882-0
Size: 8×5.5″
Pages: 85

Antologi Drama Dunia (Siri 2)
The Faculty of Theatre believes that significant works from around the world should be translated to provide a foundation in the knowledge of drama and theatre worldwide to local students. Therefore, the World Drama Anthology: Series 2 continues with the presentation of three translated works, namely Miss Julie, Arms and the Man, and Ghost. These scripts were chosen by different writers to explore the ideologies and thoughts they wish to convey. The compilation of these three scripts as an anthology aims to expand the collection of translated scripts, enrich thoughts, and cultivate an environment of ever-evolving knowledge.
Translator: Ahmad Yatim
Compiler: Shahrul Mizad Ashari & Rime Nazren
Price: RM58
ISBN: 978-629-7549-10-1
Size: 9×6″
Pages: 186

Antologi Skrip Pesta Teater Runcit 2022
The Anthology of Scripts from the Runcik Theatre Festival 2022 is a compilation effort by the ASWARA Theatre Faculty to integrate ideas and writings from various theatre stages. This book has gathered the top 10 scripts from 10 different writers with diverse backgrounds. Among them are Ira Rizal, Prof. Shark, Hannan Barakbah, Alfidzi, Amirul Hakim Dalail, Amar Asyraf, Fattah Fawzy, Fatema Sani, Yusuf Zalfakhar, and Raimi Jaafar. These top 10 scripts have undergone several evaluation stages and were presented at the Experimental Stage, ASWARA, through a short theatre competition. The chosen theme is “Past Time, Future Time.” With the publication of this book, it provides an opportunity for art practitioners and students, in particular, to refer to and use these scripts for staging, as well as for creatively and critically developing ideas.
Compiler: Hanura Akhbar & Lefiz Alaudin
Price: RM45
ISBN: 978-629-7549-06-4
Size: 9×6″
Pages: 84