The International Journal of Arts, Culture and Heritage (iJACH) is a Journal published by the National Academy of Arts, Culture and Heritage (ASWARA), focusing on knowledge development across various genres such as visual arts and performance literature, culture, and heritage, especially research in the Asian region. The journal emphasized high quality in terms of original articles, book reviews, artworks, and research findings to enhance the fields of arts
iJACH is published online twice a year by ASWARA and will be reviewed by experts in relevant disciplines.
- Word limit: 5,000 to 7,000 words.
- The writing can be in either Malay or English.
- Original works that have not been previously published or submitted to any publisher.
- Title and Descriptive (maximum 15 words).
- Include complete author details: Full name, address, telephone number, tax number, and email address.
- Abstract.
- Keyword
- Contents.
- Conclusion.
- Reference.
- Author’s Biography.
- Manuscript margin size on A4 paper should follow the following specifications.
- Top: 5.5 sm
- Bottom: 4.0 sm
- Left: 4.0 sm
- Right: 3.5 sm
- The manuscript should be typed using TIMES NEW ROMAN according to the guidelines set by iJACH.
3.1 Title
- The manuscript title should be precise, concise, and relevant to the content.
- The full name of the author(s) should be written below the title. If there are multiple authors, indicate the corresponding author for contact.
- Manuscript in Malay mush have a title in English.
- The manuscript title must be written in Bold & Title Case Format, font size 18, and Centered.
- The author’s name must be written in Bold & Title Case Format, font size 10, and Centered.
- The author details must be written in Normal & Title Case Format, font size 9, and Centered.
3.2 Abstract
- The abstract should precisely describe the aspects of the problem, objectives, methodology, findings, and conclusions, within 200 words.
- The manuscript in Malay must also include an abstract in English.
- The abstract should be written in Italics, font size 10, and Justified.
3.3 Keyword
- The author must provide a maximum of five (5) keywords written after the abstract to facilitate information retrieval.
- The keywords should be written in Normal format, font size 12, and Justified.
3.4 Content
- The manuscript can have the following sections: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Findings, Discussion, and Conclusion.
- Each section should be given an appropriate title using Bold format, font size 12, and Justified alignment.
- The manuscript text should be typed with a 1.0 spacing using Normal format, font size 12, and Justified alignment.
- Each table and figure must be referenced before being illustrated and must be followed by relevant explanations regarding the table and figure.
- Tables and figures must be complete, clear, and concise with appropriate titles, whether in color or black and white.
- Tables and figures must be systematically numbered, such as Table 1, Table 2, or Figure 1, Figure 2.
- The table title must be above the table, while the figure title must be below the figure.
- All images must be submitted separately with a minimum of 72 dpi resolution in JPEG format.
3.5 Reference
- All manuscript must adhere to the guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA-13th Edition).
- All reference must use endnotes.
3.6 Author’s Biography
- The author’s biography should not exceed 70 words.
- The author’s biography must be written in Normal format, font size 9, and Justified alignment.
- Responsible for ensuring that the submitted manuscript does not violate any copyright regulations;
- Responsible for compensating the editor and publisher for any copyright infringement;
- Prior permission is required to republish or modify copyrighted content, and evidence of permission must be provided upon submission of the final manuscript copy;
- Permission is required to reproduce or modify any copyrighted content, and written permission must be obtained and submitted along with the final edited manuscript.
Editor and Publisher:
- Authorized to edit any part of manuscript;
- Not responsible for authors who violate any rights;
- Has absolute rights over all manuscript published in iJACH. ASWARA has the right to republish the manuscript, including reprinting copies in print or electronic form or any other type of publication, for the purpose of disseminating knowledge.
- The editorial process typically takes between one (1) to three(3) months, depending on the availability of expert reviewers, the number of reviewers required, and the editorial calendar of iJACH.
- The manuscript review process is confidential. The author’s identity will not be disclosed to reviewers, and vice versa.
- Reviewers are selected by the iJACH editor.
- Each manuscript will be evaluated based on the scope and quality of iJACH within the discipline, rational analysis, conceptual and contextual scope, clear writing, and meeting the specified technical requirements. Manuscripts that do not meet the minimum criteria will be rejected without further review.
- Manuscripts accepted for review will be evaluated by two experts with relevant expertise in their respective fields. The Executive Editor (EE) will make the final decision on all manuscripts based on the reviewers’ findings and consultations with the editorial members. In case of conflicts of interest regarding a manuscript at the EE level, the Editorial Board will make the final decision.
- If there is a conflict in decisions, the manuscript will be sent to a third reviewer.
- Manuscripts requiring a second round of major review by the EE may, at their discretion, reject the manuscript.
- Manuscripts submitted by any member of the Editorial Board are subject to the same selection procedure.
- Articles should be submitted according to the format specified in section 4.0 to:
- Chief Editor
The International Journal of Arts, Culture and Heritage (iJACH)
Pusat Penyelidikan, Persidangan dan PenerbitanAkademi Seni Budaya dan Warisan Kebangsaan (ASWARA)
464, Jalan Tun Ismail
50480 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
- Chief Editor
- Contact the following hotline for further information and inquiries:
Tel: +603 2697 5999 / 5981 / 5987
Fax: +603 2697 5903