In The Moonlight
A through-line of this anthology would be the ever present Essence of God’s beneficence that has yielded and opened up not only the meanings of relationships, oh hidden truths, of altered states of consciousness, of relationships within the whole gamut of human emotions within a metaphysical context of discovery, the surrender of self and of personal epiphanies.
Author: Baharudin Ahmad, Anwar Ridhwan, Zubaidah Yusuf, Aadil Farook, Anita Zainalabidin
Price: RM25
ISBN: 978-9-83-253830-1
Size: 8.5×5.5″
Pages: 101

Bulan Belum Kelam
Bulan Belum Kelam contains seven stage dramas penned by Roziah Adama, who has won the Malaysian Premier Literary Award, the Stage Drama Script Writing Competition organized by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, and an award for a work about the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The scripts—Sebelum Subuh, Bulan Belum Kelam, Ketuk, Buang, Hitam Manis, Sepak, and Bulatan—depict the complexities of human life grappling with conflicts that nearly erase the essence of humanity.
Author: Roziah Adama
Price: RM28
ISBN: 978-9-83-253874-5
Size: 9×6″
Pages: 103

C Antagonis: Puisi-puisi Kesan Pandemik
Covid-19. How has this pandemic infiltrated and influenced the course of life in the horizontal relationships among humans, as well as in the vertical relationship between humans and the Creator? Poets from Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand present their beautiful verses in this international anthology published by ASWARA.
Penyelenggara: Mohd. Ridzuan Harun & Anwar Ridhwan
Price: RM25
ISBN: 978-9-83-253849-1
Size: 8.2×5.8″
Pages: 132

Strukturalisme Genetik dalam Novel-novel Pramoedya Ananta Toer
The book “Genetic Structuralism in Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s Novels” is a thorough analysis aimed at understanding Pramoedya’s novels placed within a social perspective and how the structure of society, history, and ideology influences literary works. Among the images of social structure that serve as extrinsic facts for the construction of Pramoedya’s novels explored in this book is the tragic world of the marginalized class in Java due to Dutch colonialism and traditional feudalism. At the same time, his novels also serve as symbols of his rebellion against the feudal, outdated Javanese culture that harms the marginalized class, reflected through the concept of Jawa Dwipa, which signifies extreme obedience and loyalty to leaders (kings, queens, priyayi, and the traditional Javanese aristocratic class).
Author: Azman Ismail
Price: RM48
ISBN: 978-9-83-253891-2
Size: 9×6″
Pages: 269