iJACH Volume 8


The International Arts, Culture & Heritage (iJACH) Volume 8 2022


1. Lagu-lagu Adab Berguru Wayang Kulit Kelantan Berdasarkan Teori Strukturalisme Levi-Strauss

Azman Ismail, Kamarul Baisah Hussin

2. Dunia Berjodoh dalam Puisi Rahimidin Zahari

Mohd Ridzuan Harun

3. Empowering the Artist – Renewing Society

Joseph Gonzales

4. A Melodic and Harmonic Analysis and the Musical Importance of Jimmy Boyle’s Gema Rembulan

James Philip Sheng Boyle, Mohd Nasir bin Hashim, Yi-Li Chang

5. The Impact of Digital Media on Aesthetic Experience in Human Psychology and Perception in Malaysia

Azman Ismail, Leong, L.K

6. The Elements for the Production of TV Sitcoms

Dzul-Karnain Abdullah

7. Distancing in Live Performance: The New Normal of Thai arts During a Pandemic

Kanit Sripaoraya

8. Mataya Flash Mob @ Semi-Pedestrian Malioboro: An Observation of Renewal Strategies to Promote Wayang Wong Dance Drama

Muhammad Fazli Taib Saearani